Even the tiniest actions can have a significant influence

Dr. Sameer Nanivadekar
4 min readMar 12, 2022

It is possible that making significant adjustments in your life will be challenging. To cope with everything at the same time may be difficult for us to do. When you stop and think about it, it’s enough to make your brain hurt. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough diving equipment to keep you breathing and your thoughts from wandering around in circles. When faced with so much responsibility, how can we manage it all without becoming overwhelmed? Small steps lead to significant outcomes! That’s exactly what I’m going to demonstrate to you!

The Approach of the Elephant

What is the best way to eat an elephant?

The question, “How do you eat an elephant?” opened my eyes to the possibility of achieving success in any endeavor I set out to undertake in life. I’m not sure where I first heard it, but it was somewhere. It was a simple response to a seemingly insignificant inquiry that revealed the secret to my success. Consider the fact that we tend to regard any important life changes or objectives as if they were elephants when we aren’t paying attention. An elephant dwarfs all other land creatures when it comes to sheer size. With these critters, it is conceivable to lift upwards of 6.5 tons. Consider our objectives as if they were 6.5 tons living organisms that were weighing us down. It’s an excellent analogy.

Every single bite, one after the other

This proves that the phrase “one mouthful at a time” is correct. The idea of consuming everything in one sitting is unrealistic; nonetheless, it is our preferred method of approaching our life’s goals. We expect to be successful in every element of our lives at the same time, yet this is not a reasonable expectation. When things go wrong, you’ll have to re-evaluate your strategy for achieving your objectives, which may entail taking small steps along the road. It will be necessary for you to become proficient at breaking down your efforts into digestible portions if you are to achieve your lofty ambitions.

The hard path was necessary for me to learn because I am a massive man with an insatiable appetite for both food and success. One of my most valuable strengths, as well as one of my most severe defects, is my unwavering pursuit of personal and professional achievement. You can rely on me to eat an elephant if the situation calls for it. After all was said and done, I was left with a stomach-ache and pangs of regret as a result of this strategy. The rewards of my small efforts (bite-sized goals) had eluded me until I took the time to sit down and listen to the response to this silly query; until that point, I had done no action. What should we do now that we have discovered the answer to this question?

Only Small Steps Are Required

Given this understanding, you have the self-assurance to take on any challenge, knowing that by breaking it down into manageable parts, you can achieve incredible outcomes! Even if you are unable to consume the elephant in one sitting, do not even attempt it. To avoid getting an upset stomach from eating it all at once, chop it up into bite-sized pieces before you consume it. Some options for breaking down a major goal into smaller, more doable activities, utilizing the “Elephant Method,” include the following:

1.Make a clear statement about your goal.

2. Create a schedule of events.

3. Break down your main aim into smaller, more doable objectives.

4.Simply take one step ahead.

5. Identify sub-goals that fall under your overarching objective.

6.It is quite beneficial to set deadlines for small tasks in order to keep on track.

7.Simply take one step ahead.

8. Repeat the process.

If you follow the procedures in the correct order, you will be successful in all of your endeavors. Don’t forget to include any of these steps in your preparation. However, just as with any other endeavor, the small actions you take now will eventually add up to major benefits in the long run. You must put your trust in the process and prepare yourself for the inevitable barriers that life will throw at you. Concentrate solely on the aspects of your life that you have control over at this time. Small steps executed over a long period of time will have a substantial impact.

You can apply this method to reach your own objectives as well! If you require assistance, my life counselling service is available to you. If you send me an email at the email address mentioned on my website, I will be happy to assist you with eating life’s elephant! Are there any strategies that you’ve tried and found to be beneficial that you might share with us? Please know that any messages from you all are highly welcomed. Please let me know in the comments if this piece has prompted you to re-evaluate your objectives.



Dr. Sameer Nanivadekar

Dean Administration ,Associate Professor Information Technology A. P. Shah Institute of Technology, Thane (W) Maharashtra .India 400615.